Hello,Ok, for clarity I am listing everybody here, if you no longer wish to receive one or you are not on the list then please add/delete as appropriate.
I am going to run with the Workshop Manual as per the proof, ring binder just gets too complicated with the size.
Final price including shipping is as follows:-
Workshop Manual :- 65GBP 95USD 165AUD
User Manual:- 20GBP 37USD 60AUD
Bigglesofnorwich Workshop Manual UK
Tony G Workshop Manual UK
Whitey Workshop Manual UK
MikeR Workshop Manual UK
Motorpool Workshop and User Manual USA
Turbotamba Workshop and User Manual AUS
Brain F18 User Manual USA
Time2Fly Workshop Manual (custom cover Price TBC)USA
Glyn V6 Workshop Manual and User Manual
Porter Workshop Manual USA
Squish Workshop Manual USA
Blackthought User Manual USA
ADC User and Workshop Manual UK
Speedy Emira Workshop Manual UK
Rapture User Manual US
Silent Cilantro Workshop and User Manual
NigeT Workshop Manual UK
Nick Sticks Workshop Manual UK
I make that a total of 15x Workshop Manuals and 6x User Manuals
The user manuals are currently in production. I will order the Workshop manuals at the end of the week, if you are not on the list and would like one then get in now as I won’t be doing this again for a while. It takes up a lot of my time that I don’t have.
Time from order to production is around 21 days so once I know they are on their way to me I will organise payment details and shipping addresses etc.
I would like a Workshop and User manual. USA please.
Thank you