Emira Full Handbook

Are you sure the i4 is included ?



They have subsections for the i4 engine and transmission now in the new html service manual available at the Lotus after sales center. The VSIC is no longer used or updated — it has an old pdf version of the manual which many are familiar with.

There are however i4 changes that are not in this new updated manual, such as the damper brackets for the i4 are slightly different and not reflected in the manual accurately.
They have subsections for the i4 engine and transmission now in the new html service manual available at the Lotus after sales center. The VSIC is no longer used or updated — it has an old pdf version of the manual which many are familiar with.

There are however i4 changes that are not in this new updated manual, such as the damper brackets for the i4 are slightly different and not reflected in the manual accurately.
Struggling to find the correct site, could you please put a link in, Thanks a lot.

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