Emira Side Mirrors Not Retracting


Emira Fan
Aug 6, 2024
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach
An issue with my new Emira I4 and likely many others have the similar problem: One or both mirrors not retracting or functioning. To retract the side mirrors, you press both mirror buttons on driver side door. This should open or retract both mirrors. The problem is that most transport employees do not know about using these buttons to retract the mirrors, thereby they do it manually by force. This takes the mirror mechanism “off track” or damages them. I assume many others have this issue due to this action. You can try to manually open the mirrors to try to get back on track or take to dealership. I was unable to get it to function. Who else has had or having this problem and what was your solution?
When I got my Emira both the mirror housings wobbled by about 5mm.
I realised that they probably had been retracted and opened manually.
By going through the "pressing of both mirror buttons" routine a few times they recalibrated themselves and stopped wobbling.
I don't normally have the mirrors retracting when I lock the car.
After a few months I found that one of the mirrors didn't retract using the buttons so I had to coax it manually and then it worked normally.
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My drivers side doesn’t retract. Garage is looking at it (along with everything else!)
Yep…. My passenger side doesn’t retract. Definitely from transport manually forcing them to retracted position. Just something that the dealer will have to fix at the first service. I just leave them open till then.
Yep…. My passenger side doesn’t retract. Definitely from transport manually forcing them to retracted position. Just something that the dealer will have to fix at the first service. I just leave them open till then.
Did you check in the settings menu that folding mirrors are enabled? I remember that being an option to select

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