Evija X at Nurburgring

Lotus have been back at the Ring testing the Evija X:

Evija X Ring test (Simon Lane).jpg

Also, taking customer track days to another level, they were running Evija test drives and customer driver training:

Evija Ring track day 3 (Simon Lane).jpg

Evija Ring track day 1 (Simon Lane).jpg

Evija Ring track day 2 (Simon Lane).jpg

Pics: Simon Lane
Ok that's a new Evija color we haven't seen. Beautiful car!
Looks like round 2 for holding the EV Ring record. Will be a big achievement if they can hit it. I must say Lotus' marketing in terms of the EV side of their business is much better than most others at the moment. Comms still suck.
It's called "Solar Flare"
A bit similar to:

Rosso Dino
This shade of red, which appears almost orange, was introduced in the 1960s and reintroduced in 2002 when a Ferrari client wanted his Enzo in this colour. It's currently part of Ferrari's historical colour palette.
It's subjective, but I still think this is a staggeringly good looking car, even more so in this colour. I'm not an EV fan but again, that's quite individual.

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