FE I4 $99,900 šŸ˜ž

There is more manual rework with the V6. They have to take it apart, build it back up, mate it with the super charger, etc. Rework labor like this is much more costly than production line labor.
Granted there is more work since it doesn't come as a unit. However, the Toyota block is completely stock. There is no engine work done except bolting on the supercharger. The manual transmission is where the additional work is done - replacing gears, milling the bellhousing and polishing the linkages.
If you dropout then you should go to the back of the line, and accept the price at the time of rejoining. Else you will have lots of people dropping in and out and making a mess (even more of a mess) of the production line. Why would you drop out and then rejoin anyways?

To increase the odds of not getting a lemon.
A drop out could mean the dealer can sell it at what ever price they want. Those locked in are price protected. I am still surprised we are but to me itā€™s a no brainer to keep your spot. .
They went from $85-$100k. I know itā€™s the same bump as the V6 but I was hoping people that had deposits since 2021 would have some cushion.
Thats is 17.6% increase in price.....what other manufacturer increased their prices that much due to inflation ??? ( besides Porsche)
The i4 was not released to any of the markets, be surprised any manufacture would hold the price.
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I feel terrible for the early I4 buyers. Nothing has gone your way.
Donā€™t necessarily agreešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Will tell you more after my I4 FE has arrivedā£ļø (seems like I am the last I4 defender - along with a largely silent majority). At least my price was locked in by April 2022 - so I donā€™t have to deal with the latest hike.
Thats is 17.6% increase in price.....what other manufacturer increased their prices that much due to inflation ??? ( besides Porsche)
I ran a calculator that reported a 13.4% inflation rate since the original FE pricing was announced which placed the i4 at approximately $96,300 in today's dollars. Perhaps Lotus anticipates some more inflation prior to delivery. Regardless, I'd still advocate for lower pricing for existing deposit holders. At this point I think some goodwill towards customers would be more beneficial than Goodwood. YMMV.

Also, @Tokion , you are far from the last defender of the i4! My preferences are for a more modern power plant and the fastest version of the car thanks to lighter weight; a lower center of gravity; and faster gear shifts. I understand those that want the engagement from the manual and the roar of the V6 and ideally, we could sample both prior to purchase. Still it's nice to have options. I almost wish Lotus had opted to shoehorn the Audi i5 into the Emira lol.
Its a tough decision between the I4 newer tech and dual clutch and the engagement of the V6 along with the nice engine display thru the rear glass and open shifter mechanism.

I think the sound of the I4 is the ONLY negative between the two...... I hear a vacuum cleaner when t revs.
Crazy how our money with the dealer doesnā€™t inflate, but the actual product doesā€¦.

The problem isnā€™t the lemons that people have been receiving, itā€™s how they are being taken care of by lotus if they do. Itā€™s like ā€œtake a chance with your moneyā€¦ or notā€. Maybe thatā€™s why theyā€™re having so much issues getting into the US for regulation purposes: the lemon law!
July 8, 2021 here (Goodwood), e-mail from October 10, 2021 attached. Still no order, will likely be another price bump when it comes my way. Absolute comedy, theyā€™re likely digging themselves a grave in North America that theyā€™ll never get out of and have total failure with their EVs. Love the Emira and put a deposit on Eletre as well, just sad. Most shady company Iā€™ve ever dealt with in my life as a 40 year old by a mile so far. Iā€™m considering seeing a psychiatrist at this point to have my sanity checked considering I havenā€™t pulled my deposits yet. Was the plan all along to con all of us into interest free loans and nothing more? Have to applaud their creativity seeing as they donā€™t care how greasy they are.


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FYI in Canada

July 8, 2021 here (Goodwood), e-mail from October 10, 2021 attached. Still no order, will likely be another price bump when it comes my way. Absolute comedy, theyā€™re likely digging themselves a grave in North America that theyā€™ll never get out of and have total failure with their EVs. Love the Emira and put a deposit on Eletre as well, just sad. Most shady company Iā€™ve ever dealt with in my life as a 40 year old by a mile so far. Iā€™m considering seeing a psychiatrist at this point to have my sanity checked considering I havenā€™t pulled my deposits yet. Was the plan all along to con all of us into interest free loans and nothing more? Have to applaud their creativity seeing as they donā€™t care how greasy they are.
A psychiatrist is way too severe a choice for such minor life issue,.... I would recommend a more mild intervention like a financial planner or a life coach or if that does not work, get married and just listen to the raging wife complain about your spending.

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