Filling fuel without spillage…


Active member
Nov 2, 2021
Reaction score
Harpenden, UK
Stupid question alert!

Ok - so I’ve just filled up for the second time, and I’ve never owned a car with a top-mounted/vertical filler. How do you get the nozzle in without dripping it all over the place?

Prepared to be ridiculed here… but 🤷‍♂️ 🤣
Keep a napkin pack in your car, place over nozel when remove and throw away. or buy a bag of shop towels and keep in the rear and toss away after use.
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Stupid question alert!

Ok - so I’ve just filled up for the second time, and I’ve never owned a car with a top-mounted/vertical filler. How do you get the nozzle in without dripping it all over the place?

Prepared to be ridiculed here… but 🤷‍♂️ 🤣
Hold nozzle pointed at the sky, then once over the filler hole, slowly rotate downwards with nozzle tip pointed toward it, then drips will go into filler instead of anywhere else.
Hold nozzle pointed at the sky, then once over the filler hole, slowly rotate downwards with nozzle tip pointed toward it, then drips will go into filler instead of anywhere else.
I had the same positioning of fuel filler on my previous car, Aston Martin V8 Vantage, and can onfirm this is the technique that is required
I keep a rag in the boot and push I around the filler cap. Dad gave me that advice as it’s the same on his Aston
Had the same challenge, you're not alone. Point the nozzle downwards beside the car to drain it. Point it up. Then rotate it into the tank. When finished, drain it in the tank before pulling it out completely. I managed to do it without having to wipe.

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