Fun with Emira and photoshop

View attachment 24564
I've really painted myself into a corner with red interior. It's a bit too... watermelon.

View attachment 24565

This, however, I need in my life. Gah.

Love this! Verde Itaca is such a cool color, especially with the yellow calipers and accents. I know there are a couple Evoras running around in the US with matching green interior stitching too. Looks so good! I call dibs on the first bright green Emira. If I ever get the option to order a bespoke color, I'm going for McLaren's Napier Green.
I don't know why I do what I do but sometimes it needs to be done. Thank you @Toby L for taking a great base photo for this.

Color is Venom Green from Evija, or at least as close as I could eyeball it.

Love this! Verde Itaca is such a cool color, especially with the yellow calipers and accents. I know there are a couple Evoras running around in the US with matching green interior stitching too. Looks so good! I call dibs on the first bright green Emira. If I ever get the option to order a bespoke color, I'm going for McLaren's Napier Green.
Callback to this post, where VL3X's vision quest began.

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