I am also afraid of lift off oversteer having driven awd Audi and BMW for the last 20 years. I tend to corner at the limit of my tires once I get used to the car and I know the 911 was famous for death and destruction for this issue.
oh yes! the oversteer!!
I had a 350Z when they first came out... copper orangey colour of course
was a lovely day and had traction control off, having a blast
it started raining.... not much... just enough to wet the surface
by this time I'd forgotten I'd turned it off
was pootling through a little country village at 30mph
I exit the village and as I pass the national speed limit sign I put my foot down... then hit a corner and foot off.... slap... right hand side of car comes flying out so I'm almost sideways... I catch it and congratulate myself, happy in my hubris for a few milliseconds.... but oh no... too much correction... here comes the left side..... ooops, my rear tyres are off the road.... ooops I'm in a ditch going sideways at 40mph
finally come to a rest with barely a scratch on the car, literally inches from a hedge, and phone a mate to help rescue me.
a few cars pass, including a porsche... who slows down just to have a giggle as far as I could tell
my friend arrives, sees me in a ditch, and starts pissing himself... as I'm 50 yards past a "thank you for driving carefully through our village sign"
a passing dump truck drags me out of the ditch and off I go to a local garage, who get it up on a lift, and the guy bursts out laughing "most expensive lawnmover I've ever seen" he chuckles as they pull clumps of grass out of the underside of the car... which again has no damage.
that was the day I learnt about rear wheel drive!!!