Hello and seeking advice

You have what most others don't -- dealers.

View attachment 55755
I was going to say the same, I’m fortunate that I live within 30 mins from my dealer, and it makes a big difference for me in terms of maintenance so it’s a big plus for you.

Also, this was originally my fair weather car, but I now daily drive mine. I think the touring suspension is amazing at handling our crappy NYC roads. The interior is night and day compared to older Lotuses so it’s definitely a more GT feeling. I’m currently swapping out the summer tires with all seasons so I can drive all winter.
I would strongly disagree with "not a relaxing car to drive" -- this car is a dream to drive, perfectly planted and power on demand...engage cruise control at 85 mph in 6th gear on the hwy and it's silky smooth. My ONLY legit complaint to date is driver / passenger window noise above 100mph - not impressed with that whatsoever.
Agreed, I have an older Toyota truck and an Escalade, and I still daily drive my Emira because it’s that great. The brakes are grabby but I got used to that quickly and in tour mode I can argue it’s more comfortable than my truck.

I’ve never driven over 90 though, I’m very conservative most of the time so I can’t speak to the wind noise over 100. One annoying noise is the random “pop” from the speakers.
Wound up in Naples- Palm Beach didn't return the inquiry (seriously!)
Did a test drive - sort of disappointed the trunk isn't any bigger. Loved the response to the throttle. No real sense of handling.

Moving closer, might go with another model though...!

Odd, Brent is usually on it. Responds right away every time I call or text. You must have caught Palm Beach on an off day.. I know there are a couple of nicely configured orphans on the lot too..

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