I don't know who you're addressing this to. We've taken issue with Max because he's rude and assumptive, not because his point is incorrect.
If you go back over the past year and a half on this forum, a significant number of the key contributors here have been essentially eviscerating the brass at Lotus for what many of us see as an incredible series of failures in communication, planning, and execution. Some of the posts on this topic have been absolutely epic rants. I encourage you to track a few down, you'll probably find some of it gratifying.
For my own part, I've literally made direct complaint about these issues to relatively senior Lotus staff on both sides of the Atlantic, including in person, and as a most recent strategy I have initiated a request for obligatory regulatory disclosure from the US government about where things stand in the US market homologation process for the Emira. So it's not like we're twiddling our thumbs and playing Pollyanna here.