How bad will the Emira depreciation be?

I think what we see is inflation spiraling out of control. Bitcoin, gold, Boeing employee salary shows what is really going on in this world. People need to get rid of assets they don't need and get liquidity for rising bills and cost.

Exige V6 and Evora hold their value tremendously well...the Emira is an improved version of those according to same receipe, so should always trade north of those even though there are much higher numbers imo.

I hold on to my's the best car for the money that I own. It's beautiful, its drives fantastic, and because it's a Lotus its different! I value all of those tremendously.
Exige V6 and Evora hold their value tremendously well...the Emira is an improved version of those according to same receipe, so should always trade north of those even though there are much higher numbers imo.

I hold on to my's the best car for the money that I own. It's beautiful, its drives fantastic, and because it's a Lotus its different! I value all of those tremendously.
At least here in Germany you also have to differentiate:

At there are 12 Emira V6 First Edition with manual for sale. All of them are at 90k€ or above with tendency to go above 100k€ for low mileage cars.

These are the most desired ones, then there are 9-10 V6 IPS variants with automatic transmission.

And the most cars are 2.0 DCT AMG engine with 55 cars on sale.

Conclusion, at least I'm not worried at all regarding resale value if you own a V6 with manual transmission. They will stay a rare sight and hold their value exactly like the Evora or Exige. Maybe even better because they were priced very competitively in my eyes at the beginning. :)
My 2 cents regarding depreciation. I bought V6 FE based on prior experiences driving other Lotus vehicles. It has far exceeded my high expectations based on past ownership. I'm committed to just enjoying the incredible driving experience of the Emira. If it sells for a fraction of what I paid, when that time comes, I'll think about the driving pleasure derived from this special automobile.
I have had two used Evora's in past and not regretted ownership but second one was more used and when it arrived from FL I was disappointed in quality of it and the person did not tell whole truth .. So was thinking of waiting to buy used Emira in another year and at 73 yrs old said to wife I want new and know how it was taken care of from day one...So deprecation means little knowing I have a car I ordered and plan on keeping it for years.....
Searched for about a month here in the US. Seemed like the average price was sticker. $100k to $110k. Found a Dark Verdant Green FE about 30 miles from my house in the Midwest (finding a Lotus near St. Louis is a rare thing indeed)
Had 1500 miles and were asking $98K
They gave me $50K for my 2011 Evora NA ( I paid $67K for my Evora new in 2011, good return for a 14yrd car)

Being close to my location I saved shipping
My trade reduced my tax on the car
and for a final bonus the dealer was having a promotion for anyone purchasing a car in December would be entered into a raffle. i won the raffle and was given a Vespa scooter (in Lotus colors, matching the car)

Overall, I'm happy

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