I4 Shifting & Park ?


Well-known member
May 8, 2022
Reaction score
Delran NJ
So I see most reviewers complain about shifter..
Does the shifter shift into Park for do you have to hit Park Button all the time
and use release park down near footwell every time you drive it ??
I press the park button myself, I seem to remember a message to do so if you don’t. It has now become a reflex, so I never think I about it tbh.
So I see most reviewers complain about shifter..
Does the shifter shift into Park for do you have to hit Park Button all the time
and use release park down near footwell every time you drive it ??
The park brake automatically applies itself when you turn the car off and automatically releases itself when you drive off. Should be no reason for you to apply it manually unless you are parked on a slope and want to sit with the car in neutral.

The only time I release it manually is after I have washed it and put it away without driving it. As the pads seem to bind themselves to the discs when wet. Very common with metallic compound pads.
I've been meaning to ask about this. I recently picked up my US spec I4 and the parking brake does not seem to deactivate automatically when driving off, although it states in the manual that it should. Instead I get a warning message to manually deactivate the parking brake. Are other US I4 owners getting this behavior? What about V6 owners?

To the OP, you can just stop the engine and the car will automatically switch into park, or you can hit the P button. This puts the transmission in park which is separate from the parking brake. There is a setting to automatically apply the parking brake if you wish, although it will always automatically apply when on an incline. The early review complaints were related to manual shift delays on the DCT, but that's been resolved with a software update.
None of my brakes auto apply/release, be that Parking or Hand version.
I think there is an option in the software to set the parking brake to auto apply/release, but I beleive its something you need to manually set.

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