If you sold your EMIRA what’s next?


Emira Fan
Mar 29, 2024
Reaction score
North Carolina
Just for fun. If you sold your EMIRA and bought another vehicle what would it be? (Around the same price or less than the EMIRA)

Wow I didn't expect the McLaren crowd to respond here, but very good to hear from you guys. I have always told people my Lotus is a gateway car to the McLaren. Of course McLarens have their share of haters (rightfully and wrongfully so), but I see way more positives than negatives. Price wise it is also very interesting to see the Artura's coming in below the $200k mark, so as much as they are loved/hated as well it is hard to not consider given you can get a 5 year warranty.

So my list is either a 570S, 600LT, or Artura just depending on what example I can find that ticks all my boxes and budget.
Arturas are down in the £130k bracket now here in the UK. Even looks like an Emira in side profile. I did briefly consider one, but wanted a spider and they are too new for prices to have dropped yet.
I think McLaren owners need to have a similar approach to Lotus owners in regard to certain reliability quirks. The joys of owning a car from a small volume British manufacturer :ROFLMAO:

That is a lot of car for the money. People are scared off by the hybrid aspect I think as EVs tend to have horrible resale in most cases.
People are also scared off that the first year of Artura was absolutely plagued with reliability issues. I would not get a pre 2024 Artura, even if it was a coupe. A 2024 Artura coupe even drives differently than a 2023.

Great lease deals on a 2023 though…

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