Interesting pre-delivery call from Customer Care - parts on back order

hadn't realized until this thread:
My Evora 2019 comes. with wheel bolts, silver.
At least it’s only the wheel bolts and they told you in advance. Some manufacturers have delivered cars with electronic systems such as reversing sensors omitted due to chip supply issues, with customers only finding out at delivery.
Better check on delivery day to make sure that “all the wheel bolts” were installed. Otherwise, parts shortages will take on a whole new meaning!
...and that's another small reason most of the people buy Porsches in the end : )
...and that's another small reason most of the people buy Porsches in the end : )
There's been a fair amount of supply chain impact at Porsche, too. For example, going back to customers with orders and informing them that certain memory seats are unavailable due to chip shortages. The Cayenne factory lines were closed down for a period due to shortages.
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Turns out I've been living with the "problem" for the last couple of years. I must admit I had to check!

(I didn't drive it with the roof off, Lotus. Promise!)

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