Inventory Growing!


Dec 17, 2024
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I’ve been looking at and Autotrader for 3 months now and it went from 37 available Emiras to now 140 Emiras for sale… I know some are in the $90k territory but I’m wondering when the major influx of cars are shipped in the coming months what are thoughts on us being more like the UK market where Emiras are starting in the upper $60k prices?
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  • #5
I paid MSRP for my brand new FE 1.0 MV6 Emira. Would still like one of these, buy I wouldn't "LOVE" it. This one is mine.
I wouldn’t mind it dropping as $90k’s is a stretch for me but completely understand the desire to keep prices up. Just surprised with how UK has half the cars for sale and we are just now really getting them coming in to USA. If starts to get 200+ Emiras for sale, I can only assume the prices will dip into the $80k’s?
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  • #6
It went from 138 yesterday night to 144 by this morning Emira's available. Does anyone know how many are being shipped monthly to the US? I thought I saw they are ramping up production and will produce over 40K Lotus cars worldwide but thats all models to the world which is a huge increase but not sure on how many specific Emira's to USA this coming year.. If prices keep falling, I will jump in one on my price target for low $70's. If not I will stick to an early Evora which is all I can afford right now..

I don't see a low mileage Emira dropping into the price range you are describing in the next few years unless something really cataclysmic happens to the US economy. If you want to get into a car like this in the price range you prefer, I suspect an Evora is going to be the way to accomplish it. Alternatively, if you wait long enough some Emiras will get enough mileage on them to drop in price, though how much is unknown.
I dont get it, we only have 10 V6 manual cars available in the whole country (switzerland). And the prices stay strong (more or less). In my state (out of 26 in switzerland) there are only 2 (!) Emiras registered and one of them is from a dealer…
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  • #9
I don't see a low mileage Emira dropping into the price range you are describing in the next few years unless something really cataclysmic happens to the US economy. If you want to get into a car like this in the price range you prefer, I suspect an Evora is going to be the way to accomplish it. Alternatively, if you wait long enough s
I don't see a low mileage Emira dropping into the price range you are describing in the next few years unless something really cataclysmic happens to the US economy. If you want to get into a car like this in the price range you prefer, I suspect an Evora is going to be the way to accomplish it. Alternatively, if you wait long enough some Emiras will get enough mileage on them to drop in price, though how much is unknown.

ome Emiras will get enough mileage on them to drop in price, though how much is unknown.
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  • #10
Agree that maybe not Low $70's anytime soon but the Scotsdale used Emira can be had for $85K if anyone is interested. They would not go any lower for me on that red Emira. It's still about $10K from my price point but there is definitely movement down from where they were just two months ago. My guess is some used ones will be around low $80's by summer or earlier if more continue to show up on the online car sale websites.
keep in mind that new cars arriving sometimes get automatically placed on auto trader by the dealer for sale but are actually sold customer units. Prices should come down a bit, but I would be surprised to see cars below 85K USD - unless above average miles.
Don't forget that Lotus was delivering cars in the UK 2 years earlier, meaning 2 more years of depreciation. If you look closer at those UK ads, most are for model year 2022 and or with relatively high miles as compared to what you find here in the USA.

Supply and demand of course is the largest factor to any pricing and the UK bought quite a few Emiras relative to the size of the population there. Considering their economy isn't nearly as strong as the USA and the relative high number of deliveries, pricing is holding up OK.
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  • #13
Actually 4 of the 5 least expensive Emiras in uk are all 2023. That’s about a $25k-$30k drop in 1 to 2 years. I’m in this strange place of liking that it will be in my price range soon as now there are 157 Emiras for sale online (up 17 from 5 days ago) but once I buy I hope they retain value. 🤣
UK car market is very different than the US. Especially with British brands. Just look at pre-owned Mclaren prices in UK vs US. It's shockingly different. A better comparison for used Emira depreciation is EU vs US. The UK auto market is in its own unique world.

I’ve been looking at and Autotrader for 3 months now and it went from 37 available Emiras to now 140 Emiras for sale… I know some are in the $90k territory but I’m wondering when the major influx of cars are shipped in the coming months what are thoughts on us being more like the UK market where Emiras are starting in the upper $60k prices?
Supply and demand…

With seasonal fluctuations with demand and more supply hitting the market will likely lead to decreased prices, but I don’t see prices dropping to the upper 60s here in the US in the near term.

No matter where prices end up in the next few months this is only a concern if you are looking to sell/trade in that timeframe. As supply eventually decreases and the demand increases (warmer driving months) things will settle down with prices.

Personally, I’m not worried about this since I’m not in this boat. I’m going to enjoy the car and over the longer term these price fluctuations won’t be a big deal.
More cars are listed because a large shipment just arrived a week or so ago. A listed car is not an available car, and I would bet most of what you’re seeing as “new” have already been claimed.
Yea, as far as I know, the US cars arriving are still customer ordered cars - though many have been orphaned due to the long wait. There are many well spec'd cars available all over the country if you call and ask.
I think its safe to say that residual value with be similar to earlier Evora GT's. Yes Emira will likely depreciate, that's inevitable. But on the bright side, its an ICE car (not EV)...Imagine how bad the depreciation would be if it were all electric.

Also if you're like me and purchased a car new for MSRP, but never sell it, who cares about resale value. Enjoy the car because the money is already spent.
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Oh, of course, the ones shouting the loudest about car price drops are the very ones drooling over it the most, desperately hoping for a bargain. Funny how they’ll swear it’s “not worth the price” until they snag it on sale—then suddenly, it’s “worth every penny.” Classic.
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  • #20
Don’t disagree… I’m hopeful prices will drop to my level as used cars were at 21 used Emiras 1 month ago on and now there are 64 used Emiras on Dealers are offering about 5% below MSRP and used with 2-4k miles can be had in low $80’s.

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