Is this normal for the climate!


Emira Fan
Apr 13, 2022
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
When I first get in the car on a cold day I set the temp to 72F. Air comes out warm but as the day progresses the air gradually gets cool as though I have the ac on. Then I turn the heat up to 77 and the cycle repeats itself. Climate not set to auto. 🤷🏾
When I first get in the car on a cold day I set the temp to 72F. Air comes out warm but as the day progresses the air gradually gets cool as though I have the ac on. Then I turn the heat up to 77 and the cycle repeats itself. Climate not set to auto. 🤷🏾
I was having two problems when I first got the car:

1) Heat was stuck on, no cold air being mixed in. I resolved this by turning AC on max and setting the temp back, didn’t happen again.

2) As I was driving with temp control on auto, the car would warm up to my selected temp for about 30 minutes and then start a gentle cool breeze that would slowly cool down the interior until it was cold with the heat no turning back on. I reset all the settings in the climate section on the touch screen (and separately the audio settings) and the problem hasn’t popped up again in a few hundred miles.

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