Just to differentiate between "defects" and "design". Is this all? Any more? I'll update this table as things get fixed...
Area / 領域 | Difference / 差異箇所 | Status / 状況 | Comments / 備考 |
Electronics | Tracker option not available | closed (by design) | Country unique specification 日本はサービス対象外 |
Electronics | Homelink option not available | closed (by design) | Country unique specification 日本はサービス対象外 |
Electronics | SOS button does not exist | closed (by design) | Country unique specification 日本はサービス対象外 |
Electronics | Native SatNav not working | closed (by design) | Dealer says licensing issue, but who cares if CarPlay or Android Auto is working. ライセンスの問題という説明を受けたが実際は分からない。スマホがあるので実害なし。 |
Electronics | Bluetooth Connection for Apple CarPlay not working | open (pending response from UK) | workaround: use USB cable とりあえず有線で。市販のアダプタも有効 (実績あり: OTTOCAST 製 CarPlay ワイヤレスアダプター U2AIR Pro) だがアプリの相性やときおり落ちる等、有線接続と同じ制約がある。 |
Electronics | Bluetooth Connection for Android Auto not working | open (pending response from UK) | workaround: use USB cable とりあえず有線で。市販のアダプタも有効 (実績あり: OTTOCAST 製 Android Auto ワイヤレスアダプター A2AIR Pro) だがアプリの相性やときおり落ちる等、有線接続と同じ制約がある。 |
Electronics | Tire Pressure Management (TPM) not available | closed (description of full function removed from Lotus website, user manual updated) https://www.lotus-cars.jp/news/news/emira-取扱説明書記載のtpmsについて/ re-opened (Japan regulations to be updated to allow usage of 433MHz devices) | Country unique software disabled, replacing hardware will not allow full functionality. Constant monitoring of tire pressure not available, only out-of-range warning. ハード・ソフト両方を対応させる必要あり、現時点ではメーカー側に空気圧の常時表示に対応する予定なし。規定値を外れた場合のワーニングのみ実装。 |
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