Japan - Country Unique Emira Specs / Differences (エミーラ日本仕様)


Supporting Member
Dec 21, 2021
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
Emira Status
Emira Owner
Just to differentiate between "defects" and "design". Is this all? Any more? I'll update this table as things get fixed...

Area / 領域
Difference / 差異箇所
Status / 状況
Comments / 備考
ElectronicsTracker option not availableclosed (by design)Country unique specification
ElectronicsHomelink option not availableclosed (by design)Country unique specification
ElectronicsSOS button does not existclosed (by design)Country unique specification
ElectronicsNative SatNav not workingclosed (by design?)Dealer says licensing issue, but who cares if CarPlay or Android Auto is working.
ElectronicsBluetooth Connection for Apple CarPlay not workingopen (pending response from UK)workaround: use USB cable
ElectronicsBluetooth Connection for Android Auto not workingopen (pending response from UK)workaround: use USB cable
ElectronicsTire Pressure Management (TPM) not availableclosed (description of full function removed from Lotus website)Country unique software disabled, replacing hardware will not allow full functionality. Constant monitoring of tire pressure not available, only out-of-range warning.
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Two apple carplay exist.

I drove 1600km last week, so I had it checked and updated to the latest firmware.
Since then, I have been trying Yahoo Maps and so far it has not frozen after about an hour of continuous use.
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Two apple carplay exist.

I drove 1600km last week, so I had it checked and updated to the latest firmware.
Since then, I have been trying Yahoo Maps and so far it has not frozen after about an hour of continuous use.
You mean, Bluetooth connection for CarPlay exists and works?
You mean, Bluetooth connection for CarPlay exists and works?
No, it does not work wirelessly yet.
There used to be a hang-up when using anything other than Apple Maps.

I checked with the mechanic at the dealership, and he said that there are sensors and computers in the emira that are not yet in use, and that these functions may become available with a firmware update.
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No, it does not work wirelessly yet.
There used to be a hang-up when using anything other than Apple Maps.

I checked with the mechanic at the dealership, and he said that there are sensors and computers in the emira that are not yet in use, and that these functions may become available with a firmware update.
Ah, ok. You mean the unstable USB connection "defect" is fixed now. Good news !
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For some reason I can't edit the original post at the top of this thread anymore, but we should add the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) to the list. I have a feeling this is not going to be fixed anytime soon, as it will require one of the following:
  • TPMS in the EMIRA becomes 315MHz band enabled (Japan market specific receivers are fitted, or 315MHz/433MHz dual band receivers are designed, sourced, and fitted to the Global model EMIRA)
    全世界統一仕様を目指していたという割にはなんだかダサいな... そのまま VOLVO の部品が使えないのだろうか?
  • Japan regulations are changed to allow 433MHz band TPMS and the TPMS transmitters are reverted to the original 433MHz spec (impact analysis for 433MHz band usage has only begun in 2023, expect a long and slow process)

総務省「433MHz帯タイヤ空気圧モニタ及びリモートキーレスエントリに係る技術的条件」の検討開始について ==> https://www.soumu.go.jp/main_content/000879936.pdf
For some reason I can't edit the original post at the top of this thread anymore, but we should add the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) to the list. I have a feeling this is not going to be fixed anytime soon, as it will require one of the following:
  • TPMS in the EMIRA becomes 315MHz band enabled (Japan market specific receivers are fitted, or 315MHz/433MHz dual band receivers are designed, sourced, and fitted to the Global model EMIRA)
    全世界統一仕様を目指していたという割にはなんだかダサいな... そのまま VOLVO の部品が使えないのだろうか?
  • Japan regulations are changed to allow 433MHz band TPMS and the TPMS transmitters are reverted to the original 433MHz spec (impact analysis for 433MHz band usage has only begun in 2023, expect a long and slow process)

総務省「433MHz帯タイヤ空気圧モニタ及びリモートキーレスエントリに係る技術的条件」の検討開始について ==> https://www.soumu.go.jp/main_content/000879936.pdf
Virtualmacho: What is the frequency commonly used and approved for TMPS for other imported cars in the Japanese market? Do you know? (It sounds like we have to wait for 433MHz to be tested and approved.)
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Virtualmacho: What is the frequency commonly used and approved for TMPS for other imported cars in the Japanese market? Do you know? (It sounds like we have to wait for 433MHz to be tested and approved.)
Since the 315MHz band is the only one approved for this purpose, I can only assume that the other cars (both domestic and imported) have it built-in or are modified upon entry to Japan.
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433MHz 帯での TPMS 利用に関するパブリックコメントの締め切りが2024年10月7日23時59分であることについ先ほど気づいてしまいました。私は 433MHz 帯でのタイヤ空気圧モニタおよびリモートキーレスエントリの早期利用開始を望む旨の意見を提出しました。

超スーパー・サマリーは「別紙1 陸上無線通信委員会報告(案)」中の
  • 「3.2.6 アマチュア局との共用検討結果まとめ」
  • 「3.3.2 国際輸送用アクティブタグシステムとの共用検討結果まとめ」
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