John Player Special

Oh! Awesome, I had no idea
That was me. Feel free to download the tool (I put the link in my signature) and you can create your own. It's about the only way I can keep sane while waiting for my Emira to arrive. :D
I downloaded and had to install C++, then both times I tried to run it, it would just do a black screen and task manager showed it was not responding. I deleted it, guess it wasn't meant to be 😄
Oh! Awesome, I had no idea

I downloaded and had to install C++, then both times I tried to run it, it would just do a black screen and task manager showed it was not responding. I deleted it, guess it wasn't meant to be 😄
Crap. I haven't seen that one before. Don't suppose you saved a log file for me? I'd be curious what went wrong. It'd likely be in:

Crap. I haven't seen that one before. Don't suppose you saved a log file for me? I'd be curious what went wrong. It'd likely be in:

I searched for that folder, but couldn't locate anything like that. I uninstalled the software, so it may have gone with it...
No worries - thanks for trying! I know a few others have been able to run it but I don't have too many machines to test on here so it's hard to catch issues with particular video card setups.

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