Keeping the car in Tour mode for the 1000 mile break-in

Could be more of an i4 thing, as new owners are saying that Sport mode tends to keep the turbos spooled.
I do think it is more of an i4 thing, it was introduced at the same time that i4 related information was added to the handbook.
Out of interest I looked up the running in procedure for the A Class (and by extension the A45S). Mercedes say that only the Comfort or Eco drive modes should be used during the running in period. Definitely worth bearing in mind for those of us who have got / will be getting the Mercedes engine.

The sport mode just changes the proportion between how much pedal is depressed and how much gas is hitting the motor. They likely say to avoid sport mode in an effort to enable customers to use more gentle throttle inputs.
After three long months, I finally drove the car in. I've always driven the car below 4K rpm, but as soon as I reached 1000 km, I also tried out sport mode (still below 4K rpm) that should be fine imho. Btw. What a sound difference, the car comes alive 😊
After three long months, I finally drove the car in. I've always driven the car below 4K rpm, but as soon as I reached 1000 km, I also tried out sport mode (still below 4K rpm) that should be fine imho. Btw. What a sound difference, the car comes alive 😊
Wait ... Is it 1000 kilometers or 1000 miles? 🤔
I'm just curious how many people have stuck to the recommendation of keeping the car in Tour mode for the first 1000 mile engine break-in? I certainly plan to follow the other recommendations for break-in but I'm struggling whether I will adhere to the Tour mode. I'm just curious if others have stuck to it and/or how critical this is if the other (more important) recommendations are followed?
I have so far art 600 miles and no over revs.
1000 miles seems so far away :( I'm only at 40 miles and the car is sitting in a tint shop for ppf and window tint for a week.
No one told me about that only tour driving in break in , so I went in sport most of the time and no revving

Any problem with the car after 13k km
but there is nothing limiting the power of the car, except our own will power right? Nothing in the ECU? I've moved from tour/sport/track just to hear the exhaust note differences, I've gone up to 4k (or close to it) just to feel it out at 1/2 throttle, maybe 1/3 (it's street driving after all)

I always thought maybe Lotus purposely program the ECU to put it in limp mode for the first 995miles/1600km

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