Lotus Emira Gifts Arrived for Patiently Awaiting our CARB Approval (now expected by Mid March 2024)!

Count me in: Gift arrived yesterday!
Mine arrived today! Seems like they changed the contents. Journal, pen, hat, leather keychain, postcard, drawing.
I got my consolation prize today. Journal, pen, hat, metal Emira shaped black keychain (very heavy), postcard, drawing.
I was a bit disappointed that I got the journal and not the book. And I asked if anyone wanted to trade but it didn’t work out understandably, so I managed to buy the book for $57 delivered. Someone provided the link above and they now have them back in stock. Just arrived.
Perfect for my coffee table
If anyone wants the luxury of having one gift box of stuff to enjoy and one to keep perfect, I have one to sell.

If interested, PM me an offer over $100+shipping. Highest offer as of early next week will win.

Art, Emira shaped keychain, journal, pen, hat.

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