More Emira paint colour Photoshops while we wait


Emira Maniac
Jan 29, 2022
Reaction score
Calgary, Canada
Emira Status
Emira Owner
I spent yesterday creating a new batch of Emira paint colour Photoshops using the Hethel Yellow paint from Lotus' new, much more accurate online configurator as my base.

I tried my absolute best to painstakingly match each one to an existing paint colour offering from either Lotus, Lamborghini, or Porsche (my favourite brands). Therefore, each photo should be a pretty close approximation to what you could expect if you were to order one of those colours in real life.

Let me know if you'd like to see some other colour that I didn't include here!

Man, this is going to be a looooooong 8 or 9 months... 😞









Agree that nardo is something else. Great job. Beautiful colour choices
Great work.

These were the launch colours for the Evora if you're seeking inspiration...


There are some nice ones in the US Evora GT options too, like Liquid Yellow and Daytona Blue.
The more I see colors like these the less I understand what the heck lotus was thinking with their color choices. So bland.
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The more I see colors like these the less I understand what the heck lotus was thinking with their color choices. So bland.
Yeah... Could even be several reasons, not just one.

For example, right now it feels like everyone in the world wants an Emira, and we want it now. But obviously Lotus can't just produce them all instantaneously; they need to do it over many years. And maybe there are some people who will wait a year or two until they can get a colour they really like. Therefore, by offering fewer colours right now, Lotus could "spread out" the orders a bit more over the next few years.

Or, in 2 or 3 years once sales start to slow down naturally, introducing new colours alongside a new variant / special edition might provide a slight bump in sales.

Those are all just my theories though.
Great work.

These were the launch colours for the Evora if you're seeking inspiration...


There are some nice ones in the US Evora GT options too, like Liquid Yellow and Daytona Blue.
Never seen a Evora close up but like those bucket seats better than the ones we getting in the Emira
Had a S1 Elise 160 Sport in Verde Scandal, very cool colour; not for the shy and retiring :)
They have purple on the evora and the evija . if it's reasonable i'll probably do evija color all depends on package pricing
Yeah we probably will get more colors. But just think how great it will be if we got them now. Or if there was a convertible version. Mann!! I'll definatly buy that.

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