Not been here for a while. I hope you are all well and are either enjoying your own Emira or shaking in excitement with one on the horizon!
I remain a stunned fan of the Emira. It has actually, simply, gotten better and better over each passing month.
I feel like I am in a special club, party to a secret, as an Emira owner. I still honestly believe Lotus got it bang on right, yes, even the power.
The is so perfect for the roads and a beast on track.
Nothing has gone wrong with mine and it is just one smile after another.
The only elements of non-perfection is that the car gets filthy down the sides easily and the stereo starts as soon as you unlock the car.

Yes, hardly a real concern.
The car remains super rare over here. I have only seen one other Emira in 3 months, on the road, and I live in an affluent area.
Knowing what I know, feeling what I feel, I cannot believe people are not falling over themselves trying to buy this car (there are plenty for sale used in the UK).
The attention is amazing. Most people still have no idea what it is, just that it looks like a supercar, and then some.
Women stop and stare, kids point and men creak their necks. Nearly all look at the badge - though it is clear what the car is from the plate.

My mad Larini exhaust system helps in that regards and has made the car faster.
I will share these thoughts across the other forums. If you want to watch the update video then it is here.
As always, am happy to answer any questions about the car.