Need help installing eventuri intake


New member
Jan 22, 2025
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I’m trying to install the intake and when I get to the part on their “how to” that says to remove the “loom” from the airbox, I don’t understand how to do that when the loom is zip tied to the stock airbox. Can someone show me a video of this? Every video I’ve seen they skip over this part and eventuri doesn’t really show you how to do it either.
If I remember right, the loom is zip-tied to clips that pry off just like the instructions say. It's been just long enough that I can't exactly remember now. Can you post a picture of them?
The loom has clips that are zip tied to it. Those clips slide onto tabs around the air box. You may have to pry those clips open a little because they are designed to push in and bit against the tabs.

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