New and better powertrain rumor?


New member
Apr 27, 2024
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Hey, guys
Recently, I heard that Emira may have a new much stronger powertrain, and this super powerful powertrain comes from its British compatriot. Do you guys have any news about that?
Haven’t heard anything about this, what’s your rumor source?
This may be "lost in translation" rumors based on Lotus' recent announcement regarding Hybrids?
When did you guys visit the factory? So you got an indication from the tour that a hybrid engine for the Emira is in the works?
Mercedes does currently produce a 'hybrid' M139 engine.
Engine produces up to 469 HP; battery is used to spin the turbo. Downside iIMO is the wight, battery alone is 200 lbs.
Mercedes does currently produce a 'hybrid' M139 engine.
Engine produces up to 469 HP; battery is used to spin the turbo. Downside iIMO is the wight, battery alone is 200 lbs.
If they are considering any hybridisation at all, I do wonder if Geely would insist they use their new "super hybrid" powertrains?

The AMG option might make most sense from the perspective of re-engineering effort (and goodbye luggage area 😅 ), but Geely hasn't exactly been shy about pushing their broader agenda onto Lotus... 🤷‍♂️

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