I've had an Emira on order since last August (2023)
As a first post this is probably not a particularly positive one but I suspect I'm not alone in my experience. Here's my timeline:
Order placed August '23 (V6 Auto, Nimbus Grey, Black pack)
Received an email from Lotus in September stating that my car build would start in Q1 2023...which was slightly odd as that was in the past ;-)
Customer service confirmed that this was an error and should have been Q1 2024.
Received a text at the end of October with a link to finalize my spec. Unfortunately the link was incorrect. A few exchanges with customer service sorted this and I confirmed my spec (precisely as I had ordered in August) on 5th November.
In January '24 I contacted customer service to see if they had any news on my car's production date. They didn't.
I did the same again in late March. Customer service have yet to reply.
In hindsight I (rather foolishly) moved money around and even removed a private number plate from another car (to eventually go on to the Emira) so that I was absolutely 100% ready to go at the end of March ie the end or 1Q when Lotus said the car was being built.
On Tuesday this week I did the factory tour (which was absolutely fantastic)...but would have been even better had I known that my car was soon to be making its way along the line! The factory tour guide attempted to find a production date for my car but, unfortunately, was unable to find anything....tbh, I wasn't looking for a date...just a month or even a quarter would have helped.
The most recent annoyance is that I can no longer get to my order on the My Lotus website. Up until a few weeks ago there was a special link on the page for anyone who had placed their order prior to November '23. That link appears to have been removed. I have contacted customer support about this but have yet to receive a reply. I'll try a live chat tomorrow.
Today I paid a visit to my local dealer - Hendy Performance, Southampton. I have used them for test drives and planned to collect the car from them. The sales manager kindly agreed to do some chasing on my behalf so I'll see how he gets on shortly.
Apologies for this being a rather negative first posting! I still love the car and can't wait for mine to arrive but, eight months since ordering and, having had that 1Q 2024 date dangled in front of me, it would be great to get some idea of the production date.