To finish with description of electronics, few words about audio system. I am no audiophile, its my non-educated opinion. But I listen music all the time in cars. Sound is clear and high-mid frequencies are perfect. There is not much bass like Bose gives in Porsche. I have listened Burmeister and would say KEF is similar, but dont quote me as it was some time ago. If you like loud electronic or rock music you may wish for lower frequencies.
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Seats and cabin. Interior is modern with very good view out, front and side windows are much larger than in GTS. I dont know the difference in seat height, but it feels that Emira seat is higher. It may-be because of lower glassiline and dashboard, as there is little difference in headroom and Emira is 5 cm lower. I always set seat height as low as possible and seat back almoust upright.
Porsche uses Recaro seats, to find good seating position is easy and you sit "in" the car. Emira seats are made by Lear and they are softer with more cushion material. Initially they feel hard and not comfortable, butin couple of days get softer and adopt to you body. Side support is comparable to GTS and its no problem to drive 5-8 hrs. Of course it much depends of your body, I'm 174 cm, not that tall. Have to mention headrests, for me they are in right height and support head correctly. If you are taller it may be a problem as they are not adjustable and quite large. Probably have to recline seat back more then. Otherwise there is plenty of room for taller persons. Overall driving position of GTS is my preference, but nothing much wrong with Emira.
It took me half day to find comfortable seat position, as pedals are deeper under dashboard compared to GTS. Initially when I adjusted seat so that distance to dash was like in other cars and postion of gearlever was natural, I couldn't press clutch fully. After I moved seat closer gearlever was too close, had to move also my shoulder when changing gears.
Slight annoyance it that strip of metal mesh on top of instrument binnacle reflects on windscreen under some light conditions:
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Don't know much about optics, but if you put on sunglasses it dissapears and in general its only under some certain angle of sun.
Pedal spacing is unusual, clutch is close to brake pedal and center of the seat. After some time you get used to it and as a result there is plenty of room for left footrest, which for example does not exist in Exige. Clutch engagement is smooth and car has hill start control, so no issues at all in stop and go traffic.
Gearchange is with short throw and precise, but requires firm hand. Cannot see any fault, maybe on racetrack you would desire more slickness for quicker changes, but on street its even fun that you need to put effort into it. GTS has PDK so can't compare.
Gear ratios are reasonably short, Porsche is often criticised for long gearing. I didn't exceed 4000 rpm and in 6-th its 180 kmh. Transmission rattle is well known on Exiges and it is still present in Emira, but much less. You hear it only when accelerating from idle up to 2000 rpm on lower gears. No rattle on idle as opposed to Exige.
Cabin noise in Emira is lower than in GTS. Latter has lots of tyre noise, not so much in Emira although tyre size is comparable. Emira has surprisingly low level of wind noise, almoust none up to 130 kmh and then only slight buffeting near b-pillar. Cant say that GTS has more wind noise because tyre and engine noise dominate so much. Emira engine in Touring mode makes very little noise and on high speed you hear mostly supercharger whistling. It gets annoying with time. Solution is easy, put the car into Sport mode and there will be enough exhaust noise to mask it.
Aerodynamics I should mention separately. Lotus claims that Emira creates "significant" downforce and there are lots of tasty functional aero details. Probably true, because the faster it went the more stabile it became. On unrestricted road I kept it between 150-180 when traffic allowed and once took up to 225 after running in was completed. Unfortunately there was no space to test top speed. As most of us have no access to unlimited roads its not maybe that relevant, but aero works on this car.
Thats part 2, will continiue tomorrow.