No Emira for me 😕

Now you're just doing it to do it. Stop with these old posts! You can just read them and not comment; it just clogs up the front page of the forums where I am just trying to read new stuff.
Nick all you have to do is click another post lol. But since I want you to spend more time with your grand children, I'll save you the time and hassle and recap all new posts for you....

New post:
1. I spoke to the janitor at Lotus and he promise me my car will be delivered at the end of October.
2. The Emira is better looking than a Bugatti Veryron because it costs a fraction of the price.
3. I spoke to Terry Bradshaw who in turn talked to his friend, Lotus CEO who promised him my car will be delivered the first week of December.
4. I have a cousin who works at Lotus who told me the first customer car will be delivered November 1st
5. Lotus brought a sample of all the Emira colors at the front of my house but i can't decide.
6. The Emira can beat a Porsche GT4 at the Hethel track because the GT4 cannot get out of 3rd gear the whole way!

Now go home, make a BBQ and spend some quality time with your family and friends , but more important, try to be happy, don't forget our road ahead is shrinking.
I understand clicking on old threads goes against Forum Etiquette but I wasn't around in 2021 and find many of them more interesting than the new, same of the same. You have a good evening...
  • Haha
Reactions: Den
Nick all you have to do is click another post lol. But since I want you to spend more time with your grand children, I'll save you the time and hassle and recap all new posts for you....

New post:
1. I spoke to the janitor at Lotus and he promise me my car will be delivered at the end of October.
2. The Emira is better looking than a Bugatti Veryron because it costs a fraction of the price.
3. I spoke to Terry Bradshaw who in turn talked to his friend, Lotus CEO who promised him my car will be delivered the first week of December.
4. I have a cousin who works at Lotus who told me the first customer car will be delivered November 1st
5. Lotus brought a sample of all the Emira colors at the front of my house but i can't decide.
6. The Emira can beat a Porsche GT4 at the Hethel track because the GT4 cannot get out of 3rd gear the whole way!

Now go home, make a BBQ and spend some quality time with your family and friends , but more important, try to be happy, don't forget our road ahead is shrinking.
I understand clicking on old threads goes against Forum Etiquette but I wasn't around in 2021 and find many of them more interesting than the new, same of the same. You have a good evening...
I don't have grandkids

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