OE tuning for Lotus emira

Does anyone know anything about this company?
405 to 450 BHP for $1300

I had a bench flash from OE Tuning on my C63 AMG mercedes 8-9 years ago so the company has been around for a while and is legit.
I can't speak to any Lotus specific tuning. I'm sure they would be responsive with an email or call inquiry.
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I had a bench flash from OE Tuning on my C63 AMG mercedes 8-9 years ago so the company has been around for a while and is legit.
I can't speak to any Lotus specific tuning. I'm sure they would be responsive with an email or call inquiry.
My caution comes from not hearing anyone on this forum that has gone down this path. 450bph is a fairly sweet spot for an Emira v6. and at$1300 bucks, it`s a bit of a deal when compared to the other offers.

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