Ownership in the boondocks?


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Dec 30, 2024
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I live in rural Vermont, miles from a Service Centre. The nearest is Boston, almost a three hour drive. I'd rather not slog down there and back during the warranty period or to fix the near car stuff that always happens. Any thoughts?
I’m in the same boat with a 3 hour one-way drive to my Lotus dealer, and I’m planning my first return trip this coming summer. A few thoughts:

1. Get a good OBD II scanner for some DIY diagnostics and code clearing. Not hard to use one. This Forum has several threads about these scanners.

2. Consult this Forum frequently for advice, to potentially help you resolve any difficulties on your own or if faced with an inexpensive problem, get help from a local mechanic who knows British cars (join a British car club?).

3. Save up your warranty work as much as possible (including software updates) for the inevitable trip to Boston, to coincide with that “night out on the town” (special occasion shopping trip?), during the warranty period. Splurge on a nice hotel while there.

4. Marry a certified Lotus mechanic, or encourage a family member or close friend do so (lol).

5. Purchase then open the first rural Vermont Lotus franchise (lol x 2).

6. Finally, purchase an Emira which will have absolutely no problems and never require any software updates (lol x 3).

Fortunately for me, #6 above applies, with the exception of a couple of recalls and software updates my dealer tells me I need. On a positive note, I know I’ll enjoy the drive and I’ll be able to stay with friends or family, while there. Good luck!
Lucky we are only an hour away I think!

I would like to be able to see all Lotus Service Centers on a map when we are planning a trip though. I only seem to be able to plot them on the map one at a time. Anyone know a workaround?
I’m in the same boat with a 3 hour one-way drive to my Lotus dealer, and I’m planning my first return trip this coming summer. A few thoughts:

1. Get a good OBD II scanner for some DIY diagnostics and code clearing. Not hard to use one. This Forum has several threads about these scanners.

2. Consult this Forum frequently for advice, to potentially help you resolve any difficulties on your own or if faced with an inexpensive problem, get help from a local mechanic who knows British cars (join a British car club?).

3. Save up your warranty work as much as possible (including software updates) for the inevitable trip to Boston, to coincide with that “night out on the town” (special occasion shopping trip?), during the warranty period. Splurge on a nice hotel while there.

4. Marry a certified Lotus mechanic, or encourage a family member or close friend do so (lol).

5. Purchase then open the first rural Vermont Lotus franchise (lol x 2).

6. Finally, purchase an Emira which will have absolutely no problems and never require any software updates (lol x 3).

Fortunately for me, #6 above applies, with the exception of a couple of recalls and software updates my dealer tells me I need. On a positive note, I know I’ll enjoy the drive and I’ll be able to stay with friends or family, while there. Good luck!
Seriously your first 3 points are spot on when it comes to lotus ownership in general but especially when you don’t live near a dealer. Good stuff!
The closest dealer to me is 5 hours, so it's a 10 hour drive round-trip. This isn't my only car, so if there were an issue I won't be stuck, but so far (received the car early May) the car's been great. I did make the trip to the dealer for the water ingress recall and they did a couple of software updates at that time, although the car wasn't having any issues.
I'm about a 7 hour drive from my dealer... I went and spoke with our local euro mechanic shop before I purchased to make sure they'd work on the Emira. Also planning on getting a Futura trailer just in case I need it

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