Radford Pikes Peak

The French driver Raphael Astier has already competed at Pike Peak four times in Porsche 911s, getting a class podium every time as well as a class win and running a personal best of 9:23.721. And his personal goal this time (2023) was to beat his own personal best time in the Alpine GT4 Evo, which he did succeed in by achieving 9:17.412.

(Realized that the onboard video had already been posted by another member. I agree with the comments about his smooth and effective driving style using all of the road.)
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Just watched the video from his run, just mental. This guy is serious! 😎

Who is this guy Raphael Astier, where does he race? He is ace. 👍🏻
Klucking Bell !!!

that gave me the willies
Holy hell. I had no idea the off was this big.

Only click if you're ready for a gut check.

Holy hell. I had no idea the off was this big.

Only click if you're ready for a gut check.

I always dreaded tech inspection and all the rules that went into building a car for PPIHC, but when I see crashes like this it makes it all worth it. Thankfully, I never had to test out my roll cage!

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