Scorpion Tracker


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2024
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Has anyone got a Scorpion Tracker fitted to their vehicle? What are your thoughts, good idea or not? Does it drain the battery much? What discount did you get off your insurer?
Can the Scorpion tracker be retrofitted?
Unfortunately 1st owner of my car did not order it with the car.
How much will retrofit roughly be if possible?
Yes it can be retrofitted, my Lotus dealer fitted mine before I collected the car.
They are an authorised Scorpion fitter.
It's going to be about the factory option price of £550 which includes the first year subscription.
As it looks like you are in Germany it's probably best to speak to your Lotus dealer or Scorpion Track themselves regarding fitting and price.
I got mine fitted by a local car security specialist in the UK after getting the car. I found I couldn’t get a decent insurance quote without one.
You can buy annual, multi-year and life subscriptions to the Scorpion service.
Does anyone know what the renewal fee is after the first year? Just curious. I only get about 10% functionality out of it, and the rest doesn't work at all, so I'm likely to let the subscription lapse.
I should clarify. I don't "use" 10% of the features, only 10% of the Scorpion software features actually work. Everything used to work at one time, and even then, I didn't find it very useful. Currently, the Map, the Journeys, the Speeds no longer work. Using my phone as a tag no longer works. It just crashes and the app shuts down.

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