Seen the Emira live.


Emira Fanatic
Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score
I was just wondering if anyone on this chat Forum has seen a Lotus Emira live in person?
And if so does, it look just as good in person as it does in pictures and videos?
First of all thank you all for replying. Then I love the look of the emira and I'm basically just looking for a fun and comfortable car. For goofing off and racing. I think 🤔 the emira will be the best.
Different cars , I wouldn’t have the vantage as it’s an expensive merc with the new v8 e give it now has , the new vantage v12 is totally different beast and is sexy as fuck but you have to sell your house to buy it … the emira is fun sexy and priced right .. for me it’s a daily car I will use it for a year or so then change up to a huracan or a Bentley w12 continental all depends if I like the 2 seater aspect or not ! Good times a head 🙌
Yeah good times indeed you seem lucky. Great for you 🙂👍
Thanks I can't wait either. It's actually been a little hard looking for great cars like this. I like the Porsche 911 but it just doesn't do it for me. I hope this one does.

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