A smooth upshift doesn't come from a specific speed, it comes from waiting just long enough for RPM to drop. Push in the clutch, and while pushing it in, move the shifter to your desired gear, and gently push against the synchro until it pops into gear, and smoothly let out clutch. You'll have to wait longer for input and output shafts to synchronize if you're shifting across several gears, like 1-4, but for a single upshift, it's really quick.
You can even get an idea of what you're shooting for without using the clutch at all. At some reasonable speed like 40mph, shift into 3rd go into maintenance throttle that's neither accelerating nor engine braking, you can gently pull it out of 3rd without the clutch, and gently push into 4th - it'll pop right in once RPM is correct. This is what you're shooting for when clutching too.
Be gentle, don't force it into any gear and it'll be smooth.