Emira Fan
I think pretty much everything on a car will involve software of some description between the control and the device being controlled these days. In this case the issue with the wipers is that regardless of the mode selected you can't get them sweeping across the windscreen fast enough to clear heavy rain, or even moderate rain at non urban speeds. It has been suggested that this is because they are stuck in auto mode which may or may not be the case. The only way I have managed to get them working when this happens is to do a full turn off/reset of the car, putting the wipers in normal or fast mode before I turn it back on.Honestly I don't understand how an ECU/software update would magically fix the wiper issue. Isn't it just a switch controlled via the stalk that talks to the wiper motor? That's got nothing to do with software that can be updated. Unless the issue is related to the rain sensor and that needs calibration somehow. Is that all synced via Android Automotive? Either way, I hope it gets fixed soon because it seems to be an issue for most of these early deliveries.
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