

Emira Fanatic
Oct 21, 2023
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
Emira Status
Emira Owner
Are you guys getting tailgated on the freeways more?

I’m noticing it and not sure if it’s just me or coincidence.

I am a very aware driver, try to be courteous but am generally faster than the speed of traffic mostly for safety.

I hate when people tailgate me in general but especially when I’m driving a sportscar that can stop faster than they can.

I’m assuming they are just trying to look at my car but it’s annoying and can be dangerous.
This happens to me occasionally but usually people are trying to get up beside me to get a closer look at the car. Every now and then someone in a Mustang or souped up Civic will get on my tail and zip past me trying to make some sort of point but it doesn't bother me. About 95% of interactions that I have relating to the Emira are extremely positive.
Not only more common but more aggressive as well. So close that I can't even see their headlights in a rearview. According to my college sophomore son - the running up on another car, getting really close, then whipping round (as close as possible) is all part of "cutting". Evidently, the new and exciting 16-25yo method of driving.
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Drove home 250 miles yesterday, had a Civic whip in and out of traffic at high speed behind me and run up to my bumper at more than 100mph. The other driver hung so close to the rear of my car that I couldn’t see his grill, all the while his passenger had his phone out filming my car. I moved to the right to let him by (rather than gun it, which I’m sure is what he wanted). After pulling alongside to continue filming he finally sped off, driving like a knob.
Aw man... I came to this "tailgating" thread thinking somebody was going to be showing pics in the car park at a ball game, using the Emira's trunk as a food warmer. The disappointment is real.

Not only more common but more aggressive as well. So close that I can't even see their headlights in a rearview. According to my college sophomore son - the running up on another car, getting really close, then whipping round (as close as possible) part is all part of "cutting". Evidently, the new and exciting 16-25yo method of driving.
Love that is has an edgy name, as if they invented driving like irresponsible dickheads... bless their hearts, so cute. :D

I've certainly had my fair share of curiosity / point-and-stare / camera phone galleries, and a few "check this out" full throttle overtakes by hot hatches, but no aggressive tailgating, and indeed more than a handful of good-natured "challenges"/requests to rev it. Has taken some getting used to, but I'm getting less awkward at responding each time 😅
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Drove home 250 miles yesterday, had a Civic whip in and out of traffic at high speed behind me and run up to my bumper at more than 100mph. The other driver hung so close to the rear of my car that I couldn’t see his grill, all the while his passenger had his phone out filming my car. I moved to the right to let him by (rather than gun it, which I’m sure is what he wanted). After pulling alongside to continue filming he finally sped off, driving like a knob.
This exact scenario has happened to me and I just pull to the side to let them by. all good for car guys to see each other on the streets but not drive like knobs expecting the same in return.
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Aw man... I came to this "tailgating" thread thinking somebody was going to be showing pics in the car park at a ball game, using the Emira's trunk as a food warmer. The disappointment is real.

Love that is has an edgy name, as if they invented driving like irresponsible dickheads... bless their hearts, so cute. :D

I've certainly had my fair share of curiosity / point-and-stare / camera phone galleries, and a few "check this out" full throttle overtakes by hot hatches, but no aggressive tailgating, and indeed more than a handful of good-natured "challenges"/requests to rev it. Has taken some getting used to, but I'm getting less awkward at responding each time 😅
Can confirm trunk gets hot. Never leaving my MacBook in there again. It was almost too hot to hold. Good for food delivery though!
Doug did a video that includes some universally good advice. Thankfully, Lotus magic renders the ride quality issue non-applicable!

For me it boils down to this: drive as you want others to drive. Around town and on the interstate I'm easy like Sunday morning. I'll find unpopulated backroads to open it up. And when the attention pours on, I'll smile and wave, then position myself to deconflict.
Drove home 250 miles yesterday, had a Civic whip in and out of traffic at high speed behind me and run up to my bumper at more than 100mph. The other driver hung so close to the rear of my car that I couldn’t see his grill, all the while his passenger had his phone out filming my car. I moved to the right to let him by (rather than gun it, which I’m sure is what he wanted). After pulling alongside to continue filming he finally sped off, driving like a knob.
I think having your Emira "checked out" is a factor of ownership. With so few around, they catch people's eye. So far, I'm the only one I know of in my City of ~1 million. This morning on my way to work, I had a Rapid Blue Corvette C8 catch up to me...followed by a pedestrian giving me a thumbs-up, as I drove by him just before turning into my parkade. I've had people on the street taking photos, on past days. With my Vivid Red color, Ferrari's find their way to my car, likely thinking it's a fellow-Ferrari (?). The "race challengers" are usually Subaru owners.

Emira: every day is a new adventure (lol).
I think having your Emira "checked out" is a factor of ownership. With so few around, they catch people's eye. So far, I'm the only one I know of in my City of ~1 million. This morning on my way to work, I had a Rapid Blue Corvette C8 catch up to me...followed by a pedestrian giving me a thumbs-up, as I drove by him just before turning into my parkade. I've had people on the street taking photos, on past days. With my Vivid Red color, Ferrari's find their way to my car, likely thinking it's a fellow-Ferrari (?). The "race challengers" are usually Subaru owners.

Emira: every day is a new adventure (lol).
I've had a Ferrari slow down to see my vivid red in the free way. Probably thinking another fellow Ferrari. But when he came close, he saw I was a pleb with a Lotus. He then pulled out and left me to dust. Other than that, almost every 5 minutes cars/people are checking it out lol
As Doug mentions in the video- parking is a challenge. Such a challenge for me, in fact, that it has so far been a Point A to Point A car for me- I will not park it anywhere. I had an STi when it first came out in the US and had my doors scratched and hood dented by people “checking out” my car when I popped into the store. Eventually that stopped once more STis hit the road, but I was the first in the state to get one and it got a LOT of attention (I even had two people follow me home to ask me about it- very creepy). Because of that experience, I cannot bring myself to do anything but drive it around then put it right back into the garage.
As Doug mentions in the video- parking is a challenge. Such a challenge for me, in fact, that it has so far been a Point A to Point A car for me- I will not park it anywhere. I had an STi when it first came out in the US and had my doors scratched and hood dented by people “checking out” my car when I popped into the store. Eventually that stopped once more STis hit the road, but I was the first in the state to get one and it got a LOT of attention (I even had two people follow me home to ask me about it- very creepy). Because of that experience, I cannot bring myself to do anything but drive it around then put it right back into the garage.
Yes that's awfully sad and definitely tells my story right now. But hopefully will change one day (more on the road/less unique, and/or my feelings change). But while I can understand doors getting scratched and my dreaded fear, dings, in a parking lot, how in the world did you get your hood dented in q parking lot?

And so far for me in OC, have not experienced tailgating nor "cutting" in my Emira, but definitely people sitting in my blind spots to the left and right, obviously checking it out. I speed up, they speed up, I slow down, etc....
I noticed this the day I bought my Lotus and drove it home. Cars would run up on me constantly.. eventually I figured out they were just trying to figure out what it was. It'll happen now and then when you drive an exotic.
I think having your Emira "checked out" is a factor of ownership. With so few around, they catch people's eye. So far, I'm the only one I know of in my City of ~1 million. This morning on my way to work, I had a Rapid Blue Corvette C8 catch up to me...followed by a pedestrian giving me a thumbs-up, as I drove by him just before turning into my parkade. I've had people on the street taking photos, on past days. With my Vivid Red color, Ferrari's find their way to my car, likely thinking it's a fellow-Ferrari (?). The "race challengers" are usually Subaru owners.

Emira: every day is a new adventure (lol).
It's like a rolling car show: visited by several Porsches, a Maclaren, Lamborghini, Audi R8 and miscellaneous hot hatches. SUVs are an issue due to the dimension disparity. I've been cut off occasionally because of either ignorance or substandard driving skills. All part of driver engagement.
Yes that's awfully sad and definitely tells my story right now. But hopefully will change one day (more on the road/less unique, and/or my feelings change). But while I can understand doors getting scratched and my dreaded fear, dings, in a parking lot, how in the world did you get your hood dented in q parking lot?

And so far for me in OC, have not experienced tailgating nor "cutting" in my Emira, but definitely people sitting in my blind spots to the left and right, obviously checking it out. I speed up, they speed up, I slow down, etc....
The hood on the STi is aluminum and easy to dent. The two dents were suspiciously positioned as if someone leaned back against the car for a photo and pushed down on their hands. Car was less than two weeks old at the time. 🤬
Funny you mentioned this, I’ve had my Emira for a few weeks only and I notice this a lot. I feel like most of the time it’s really just people trying to figure out what it is. A handful of times I’ve had some people revving at me but I just ignore it. I drive this thing very conservatively and always on the right lane. Once I hit 1k miles, I will open her up more.