Just got back! Round 2 was a much better route and ~15-20 minutes on some nice twisty (but wet) roads. This is the exact same Nimbus/red touring spec I drove a month ago in North Jersey. I switched it into sport immediately upon starting and made a point to rev it out to redline a few times. Damn near impossible to make it break traction. I did switch into track mode, but the sales rep instructed me to switch back to Tour or Sport since Track completely turns off traction control (which makes perfect sense, especially considering the road conditions). Touring suspension provides a fairly smooth ride, but I'm glad I went with Sport (with the F1s).
There is not much new to report on my end, except that the steering is sublime and it has decent power. Honestly, it's a bit underwhelming powerwise, but the looks make up for it! My wife went with me this morning and absolutely loves it (much more than the 911s and GT4 that were in the showroom - Louts of Philly currently shares space with a Porsche dealership). I did notice quite a bit of cabin noise during the drive. It's certainly no quiet GT car. Even with the Goodyears, there is a lot of road noise and engine noise that gets into the cabin (especially noticeable during today's rainy drive). Not an issue for me, but something to consider. Maybe partially due to the aluminum tub?
Steering wheel is a bit odd with slow speed parking lot navigating, but I'm sure I'd get used to it. Clutch and shifting felt natural to me. Seats are very comfortable and supportive.
I made a point to check for a few things during my second test drive:
- KEF stereo - I synced Android Auto (wireless again with zero issues) and cranked some heavy bass songs (specifically some J.Cole and Wu-Tang). As others have mentioned, it is pretty weak. Especially trying to overcome the road noise. Again, this isn't really an issue for me, but if it ends up being a $1-2k option, I wouldn't opt for it. The OEM Premium Fender audio in my GTI is wayyyyy better. I really can't believe the KEF system doesn't include tweeters.

- Throwout bearing/transmission rattle at low rpms - Not noticeable at all to me. But then again, there was a lot of road and exhaust noise. Maybe if it was a clear day and I was going around an empty parking lot I might be able to hear something, but today I heard nothing.
- Rain water from the hatch lid dripping on the engine bay - Yup, 100%. It's not much, but certainly will happen every time you lift a wet hatch. There's no where else for the water to go... just the way it's designed I guess. Not a big deal to me, but something I will keep a mental note of while detailing in the future.
- Loose fitting trim - This demo did have loose fitting plastic trim next to the driver seat on the door sill and one piece around the engine. I attempted to snap it back in and flap the weatherstripping back over, but it wasn't happening. Disappointing to see that on a car in this price range... or on any car in 2022. Lotus needs to step up their quality assurance for sure. They need to do better. I will not accept delivery of a brand new $100k car with plastic trim pieces falling apart.
- A forum member asked about self-leveling headlights - I confirmed they are not self-leveling nor driver adjustable from inside the cabin.
Final notes - The Emira will be a fun manual transmission car to row through the gears and rev out on nice days in the twisties and occasional track days. I think it's too pretty to be a dedicated track car. Powerwise, it feels like a Cayman and even a GT4 with a lower redline. The difference is I felt special... or had more of a sense of an occasion driving the Emira than the numerous GT4s I've driven. Both are fun, handle great, and sound good, but the Emira is just a show stopper in the looks department. The braking is incredible and the interior feels more modern. Heated seats work great btw! If you want something you can be obnoxious at traffic lights with by doing burnouts and donuts, then the Emira is not the car for you. Go get a new Vette or big engine Dodge. The Emira is refined and esoteric. That's the only way I can really put it.
Those are my thoughts from this morning's drive. Hope they help!