Had my test drive today, full yellow V6 manual with sport suspension and Goodyear tire.
It was a semi test drive as the dealership is right in the middle of the city and we could only take it a few laps around the block where its 40-50km roads with stop signs every 100M, so I couldn't evaluate everything and therefore won't do a 1-10 rating across the board. I think I was the 2nd one in the car and the dealership has 175 or so orders and the car for 2 days so I wasn't going to get greedy, should be able to take it on proper roads when they have their demo which would require at least 30 mins in the car since it's at least 10 minutes from the dealership to get to a semi proper road.
So much confirmation of things others have mentioned (the positive ones), TLDR so I'll start with the really key things that were either major or I things I haven't heard as much about:
- *spoiler, the only negative. The stereo is crap, and this being the so called upgraded option. This is kinda minor since it's not the reason to buy this car but holy moly I own KEF speakers, they make good speakers...these are going to cost EXTRA on the base car. KEF should be ashamed of themselves and offer a replacement at a later date as an optional recall, this is so embarrassing for them. They are what I'd expect in 2022 on a base Honda Civic. Anyone that thinks this is acceptable as something costing extra vs thrown in at base has been smoking something...
- A carry golf bag fits just perfectly in the boot. The space behind the seat looks useless, but it has more than it appears as the rep who brought the car had a standard size carry on case back there that he had brought.
-Having seen probably thousands of pictures by now it doesn't really look different in any way than I had expected, this is nor good or bad! In terms of looking exotic/loud/attention grabbing it's not to the level of a supercar, but halfway in the middle between a Porsche and a supercar, and I think that's amazing if you want something that's different, gorgeous, but not on the roading begging for attention that says "look at me I'm a rich show off". The wheels look bigger in person and haven't seen many pics or discussion of the tires too which are very wide.
-The centre screen wider and more rectangular that I got the impression of in pictures.
Ok, onto my NUMBER ONE takeaway which I think many have mentioned but really bares repeating. From the interior to the ride quality, this car is insanely comfortable and livable. Best example I can give is that if you blindfolded me and told me to climb into the car and then take the blindfold off while sitting in the car driving around town. From the ride feeling, to the comfort of the car, to the look of the interior...and apart from the engine sound and people looking at the car, I would be convinced I'm being driven around in a BMW/Audi/Mercedes coupe. For example I've been in a few friends sports cars where you get that feeling that you're sitting really low and peeking out at the world around you, and while they are modern and comfortable you wouldn't want to go on a road trip. The Emira has the performance of those cars, but doesn't have that tradeoff in any way. I'm currently driving a Mercedes E class cabriolet and apart from luggage space I feel like the Emira would actually be more comfortable on a road trip, although I might want a better sound system for that road trip

. So this was the sport suspension edition and it was WAY smoother over road bumps and speed bumps than my Mercedes which rattles as well. Absolutely nothing from the Emira which eats them up, hard to explain because it's not an a Bentley or S class way that feels like there's this soft suspension absorbing them...hard to explain but purely magic. Of course, I would loved to experience a sterner test like a massive pothole on the highway where my Mercedes feels like something may have just come off the bottom or knocked the wheels out of alignment when it happens.
I think Lotus have really done what they said at the onset about the Emira. They've made an enthusiasts car with few if any limitations that's extremely fun to drive and usable, and that you want to grab the keys for even if you have nowhere to go. I know people who own much more powerful exotics or corvettes and compared to the Emira I have to ask, why? If you're buying it purely for the track or sit in a garage to look at or to get attention I can see the argument. However those cars pale in comparison in comfort, usability, and fun you can have driving the car off track without getting arrested. Porsches on the other hand, perhaps similar in comfort and usability...but not as tactile/fun/connected IMO. I live in a huge city with terrible traffic and if the Emira were to be my daily driver I'd be nuts to get it in a manual, so if you're going for anything less than the full experience and an autobox I can see weighing the pros and cons vs. Porsche...but if you're going for pure driving experience I think the Emira V6 manual is an absolute no brainer.
-Very comfortable seats as mentioned, felt like the perfect amount of bolstering, streering wheel felt perfect.
-Pedal placement was odd at first, when I first sat in the car I literally had my left foot on the clutch thinking it was the brake pedal as it's about where my current car brake pedal is. As everyone has already said, within 10 seconds I didn't even think about it again and it felt totally natural. I didn't check if anything was off centre steering wheel wise, if it was I didn't notice a thing. I did not need to angle myself in any way based on pedal placement - overall everything felt totally right. I have big feet and had Nike Airs on...probably not ideal having a clunky mushy heel but I also forgot about it after a minute.
-Sensitivity in all the pedals and travel and all that jazz felt extremely natural and good to me, either it's similar to what I'm used to or very different from what others who've pointed out anything here are used to.
-Gear shift, absolutely love it. I guess this may be a personal preference as some think it's clunky or cheap feeling and prefer the Porsche or BMW ones. The correct word I'd use is tactile, and isn't that the reason to buy a sports car in a manual? Placement and feeling of it is amazing to me. If I wanted something to just flick my finger to have ultra smooth non tactile changes, why not just get floppy paddles and get the benefit of an auto while sitting in traffic?
-Engine, currently owning a 360HP slightly heavier car I know the Emira is a faster car but I didn't expect it to be in another league. Wrong, instant and linear power. It's just the right amount that can throw you to the back of the seat but can also work up and down the gears. I honestly don't think I'd want any more power, if it felt 20% faster than my current car I certainly would, but that is not the case. Obviously I didn't have a proper experience here and even forgot to take it out of Touring mode, but I think I could tell it's fantastic. As far as engine noise, I think everybody knows by now it's not going cause a stir by making people a block away know you're coming. It will sound like you're driving a high performance sports car and elicit that fun while driving it, another thing I think they nailed. The supercharger sounds awesome in person.
-Handling, sadly the hallmark of a Lotus is an experience that will have to be put on hold for me (being limited to driving in a square on straight roads with only right hand turns at traffic lights). Obviously no cause for any concerns here as even the most critical reviewers concede that handling is best of breed in the Emira.
-Visibility, no compromises here it's very good and that's not the case with most sports cars.
Lastly, the wind buffeting that's been mentioned of late with the windows down...I wouldn't have thought about it until I heard folks talking about it here. Bang on, I've never been in a car this good with the windows down!
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