The most accurate car ever produced

The title is misleading. Particularly for a CNC reviewing group of people, as they seem to be or something.

The people in the video, as far as I have determined, have stated:
A) the tri-laser system is as precise-consistent as doing so by hand in previous Lotuses.
B) it is being done to make it automated and more during the process which sounds great vs done more at the end.
C) it is not "accurate" but Precise. Precise means consistent in both any direction. Someone can precisely create a device that incinerates every owner perfectly in a small collision. For example.
D) every time they say "reliable" they quickly note that it is internally reliable, the products in themselves, relative to ONE ANOTHER. Not to other examples of vehicles.
Lotus, which one are you?


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It's interesting that the one car Matt said was an actual customer car, and now this latest yellow car, both clearly do not have that front gap.

I wonder if during testing and development, that rubber seal strip was put in there temporarily once they identified that location as a source of wind noise, and then had the bonnet slightly redesigned to eliminate that issue? You HAVE to know they saw the thread(s) on that gap issue on the forums. For testing and development they probably had a small run of the original bonnets in house and just used them while working out the update.

The gap wouldn't have been a big issue for Dark Verdant or Shadow Gray, but for the lighter colors it did certainly stand out. This will be a very pleasant update if in fact that gap is now no bigger than the other body gaps.
Sounds like the Gap is a First Edition element
included in the feature bundle, to reward early adopters.
It may be an extra in successive versions.
Sounds like the Gap is a First Edition element
included in the feature bundle, to reward early adopters.
It may be an extra in successive versions.
Well the rubber strip IS a classic example of a stopgap measure, so maybe they added it to give it a classic feel. ;)

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