Rock chips, swirls, and ease of washing is my main reasons doing PPF on cars. Then again I'm very OCD... I wasted $ doing a full front PPF on a leased car I wasn't going to keep just to avoid seeing rock ships

... what ended up happening is the plastic bits got dinged up and those places aren't PPF-ed so that sucks, but I don't think Emira has much in front that won't be covered. My other car PPF-ed front+back in 2015 looks like new today, save for some dirt on the edges that accumulated.
That being said, I had already decided I was going to go full PPF on my Emira the same day I take delivery, but now what's making me re-think is all the paint issues (bubbles, flaking). Does PPF just delay the inevitable? Will bubbles show through regardless of PPF? If PPF needs to remove later (sacrificial layer) will paint just go with it (not due to installer but due to Lotus quality)? Basically if there are paint-related issues due to Lotus, will it show through? Will it be covered? If replacing say a door will Lotus cover the cost of the PPF?
Haha sorry to create FUD, but personally I'd PPF full front + rockers. Seems like paint issues reported mainly on doors and some pars of the rear.