Okay yes fair enough. I myself was offered an invitation to go to the factory see all the colours between now and next week when the deadline ends to lock in the spec for my particular car, but from where I live and with visitors coming and dogs to take care of, its a 7 hour journey to Hethel with at least one flight, and I cant do it, not to mention the 400 odd euros it would cost just to see the colours, which I probably still wouldnt be able to choose from anyway.
So yes I agree, but a newly released 911 doesn't necessarily fair much better in terms of seeing the colours out on the street before customers have them or youtubers at least, although their configurator is even better, which helps. Not sure whats going on with the interior of the lotus configurator, thats still pretty bad imo.
Well I am glad you have tried to do something about it rather than 90% of those who complain and thats all they do, if you know what I mean, this gets us nowhere.
I think in summary, things are better than they were, pre Geely, but they are not where they need to be. However, that was never going to happen over night, or over year.... I'd say for next year things will be more professional in terms of media, but who knows. There will probably be another turn over in staff by them as its not easy to get the right people in first try.
By the way, not thats its a competition, but I sent them a well structured, multi phased 50 page hard back cover book on what I believed they should work on when they were bought out 4 odd years ago. 20 pages of this were regarding after sales ideas, such as your own personal space on their website, where you could see your car order progressing, something Porche even now do. You could also see what things you may modify and up until which point, get photos of the build and then have the cars history in your personal area too, servicing, add ons etc. I am sure they will get there, they say many of the ideas mentioned are being put into place...... we shall see.
I guess you are expecting you car in July.....