So I was at our local dealer having ( what else) warranty issues delt with. I mentioned to the service manager and salesman that I had never had a hard copy of the actual warranty given to me among the sales documents and owners manuals. I had been told at the time that warranty info was online and I should refer to that. The warranty info that comes up on the Lotus web site for the Emira state 3 years with unlimited mileage. It also states the paint is covered for 5 years and the chassis is covered for 8, but curiously the latter two mention only the Electre- not the Emira even though it’s on the Emira site. The service manager told me he thought it was an across the board warranty for all models but promised to confirm so I could have a hard copy of it. Several hours later he found me and stated that Lotus US had told him that the Lotus web site warranty information was actually only for the Netherlands, and that the US warranty was strictly 36 months and / 36000 miles. No additional paint or chassis warranty was applicable to the US. Don’t know if this is accurate but two staff at my dealer were told the same thing by Lotus US.