Water in Engine Compartment


Aug 5, 2024
Reaction score
Oak Park, California
I have been washing my gorgeous Emira on my own and using a foam cannon as my car gets dusty in the garage and I want to remove the dust before hitting it with a sponge. This isnt really related to the foam cannon, but every time I get a ton of water in the engine compartment. Anyone else having this issue when washing? Would you think its just the seal around the rear glass?
I’d suspect it’s coming in from the gap between the bottom of the back window and the tailgate. It’s to vent heat from the engine bay. If you open the tailgate when it’s wet, the water will pour into the engine bay. Alternatively, if you aim your foam cannon or your rinsing spray from the back towards the window at the bottom, it’ll go straight through and into the engine bay.
I cover the engine bay with a large beach towel folded up more toward the back of the car when I wash it. Stops/catches most of the water getting in there and prevents water dripping in when you open the hatch back up to finish cleaning/washing.
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I cover the engine bay with a large beach towel folded up more toward the back of the car when I wash it. Stops/catches most of the water getting in there and prevents water dripping in when you open the hatch back up to finish cleaning/washing.
Great recommendation. Much appreciated.
I have been washing my gorgeous Emira on my own and using a foam cannon as my car gets dusty in the garage and I want to remove the dust before hitting it with a sponge. This isnt really related to the foam cannon, but every time I get a ton of water in the engine compartment. Anyone else having this issue when washing? Would you think it's just the seal around the rear glass?
My solution has been to wedge a precut piece of 3" wide neoprene foam strip (I fold it in half to create a proper seal) and place it in the inside section the vent, between the rear glass bottom and trunk lid surface. When done with hosing down the car, I squeegee out the water that remains in the slight concave section of that vent. It's important to not forget to remove the seal strip when done,, to avoid blocking the escape of the hot air from the engine bay. If it helps, these are the 2 items that I purchase on Amazon for this:

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My solution has been to wedge a precut piece of 3" wide neoprene foam strip (I fold it in half to create a proper seal) and place it in the inside section the vent, between the rear glass bottom and trunk lid surface. When done with hosing down the car, I squeegee out the water that remains in the slight concave section of that vent. It's important to not forget to remove the seal strip when done,, to avoid blocking the escape of the hot air from the engine bay. If it helps, these are the 2 items that I purchase on Amazon for this:

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Thank you!

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