Water leaking onto resistor pack in front bonnet


Emira Fan
Dec 26, 2021
Reaction score
Redlands, CA
Guys, I'm looking at a video of an emira owner in UK that is getting a bunch of things fixed and of the things is that water from front wind shield drips down and falls onto the fuse box n further below onto resistor packs...which will then get rusted.... lotus apparently has a rubber sheet that is placed over the area so that it keeps the area below "dry" .... do u guys know if this is a recall or whether they installed those in US cars ? I don't remember seeing any thing like it when I had the bonnet open before.... ughh

Any comments appreciated...

James R
So Cal
1st edition hethel yellow
3k miles

I’ve not heard of this, but mine will be going into the garage for a few other jobs soon, so I’ll ask them if they’ve heard of it.
I've had the cover open, con confirm that there is no such rubber sheet over anything in my car. Also, in that video, I question that. It doesn't look like there's any firm way they are affixing it. In a compartment that sees a high amount of airflow. 🤔
Known issue - being dealt with as a “fix on fail” or at first service visit (whichever comes first)……

My car is currently at the dealer getting this installed as part of its first service.
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Oh ok.... I'm sure it is affixed In there well to stay on... I've only washed my car 3x and it doesn't rain here in so cal so.... but I ll ask my dealership about it too... I m hoping that there is an ECU update for the intermittent "reduced power " mode that my emira goes thru.... my friend just picked up his emira last month and his car still has the same issue.... so annoying...

1st Ed emira
3k miles
3rd cat, valve controller, non haptic switch, short shifter
My car had this done quite some time back. I seem to remember they contacted me to come in and get a couple of updates/recall items done. Best to get it done.

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