What tire pressure are you running?


Emira Fiend
Feb 8, 2024
Reaction score
On my f- Goodyear eagle tires I run them at 31 front and 33 rear hot and at the top of second gear I feel the rear get a little squirrelly. What tire pressure you guys running at? On my Evora GT I’ve never experienced the rear want to come out but I was in Michelin 4s tires. Perhaps it’s the tire?
My dealer delivered my tires with 38 front and 42 rear..

I guess this isn't what it should be based on this thread.. I don't track my car (nor do I plan to) and I just drive around town, sometimes the highway.

Should I go down to 29F/32R Is there a reason to leave them where the deal put them?

Ryan G
You should go down to 29/32 as a starting point. Then it’s kind of a salt to taste thing right now.

Dealer probably not paying too much attention or not wanting tires to be under inflated setting off TPMS warnings.
There's an old acronym: RTFM. :)

Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 4.23.31 PM.png
My dealer delivered my tires with 38 front and 42 rear..

I guess this isn't what it should be based on this thread.. I don't track my car (nor do I plan to) and I just drive around town, sometimes the highway.

Should I go down to 29F/32R Is there a reason to leave them where the deal put them?

Ryan G
That seems way to high, I lowered mine to 29.5 front 32.5 rear cold.
When I took delivery of my Emira, the tires were over inflated. I have decided to run 30 psi in the front and 32 in the rear. To me, 29 in the front just seems lower than necessary. Just my opinion, nothing factual. The recommended tire pressure for tires on my Porsche Boxster is 32/34.
I will further add that the tire gauges most of us use are not likely spot on. I have two tire gauges (both relatively expensive) and each gives me a slightly different reading of about 1/2 lb. difference in PSI.
You. You check the tyre pressures after a short track session and bring the pressures down to 29/30psi. Usually after 2 sessions the tyres will say stable at that 29/30psi range and function well.

This advice assumes you ae running R spec tyres.

Is the above (thanks David s) what everyone is doing for the track? Does anyone start at lower (than street) pressures and find that works once the tires quickly heat up and if so, what cold pressures do you start with?

And David s mentions he's using "R spec tyres". I'd be using the OEM Eagle1 Supersport, which are the higher speed rated "Y". If anyone using is them on the track, what are you doing with tire pressure, if different than the advice of David s?

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