It's always interesting to see what people listen to and like. Almost like a window into their soul; who they really are inside behind the image we see on the outside.
I've been listening to different music styles for 7 decades now. My parents listened to big band and the rock and roll of the 50's on the radio. I remember sitting in front of the TV and watching the Beatles appearing on the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. I was a huge Beatles fan, but also loved Simon and Garfunkel. Later in that decade got into the Doors, Moody Blues, and totally into Yes. Loved Boston and the Eagles going into the 70's, but by the end of the 70's and into the 80's I was into electronic music. I was into Vangelis, Andreas Vollenweider, and those types of sounds.
By the 90's, I was surprisingly not that much into music in that decade. I was working long hours 7 days a week in my graphics design business, although I do recall having melodic New Age stuff playing on the radio in the shop at the time.
In the early 2000's I started listening to the old stuff again, Beatles, Peter Frampton, Eagles, Credence Clearwater, Aerosmith, Journey, even some ABBA. Then from 2010 on, my tastes changed quite a bit.
I was never huge on formal classical music, although I did listen to certain composers; DeBussy, Tchaikovsky, Strauss. However in the last decade through the power of personal computers and the newer software, I started creating my own music. I now listen to mostly orchestral sounds (not classical music, but classical instruments), and create things that are melodic, instrumental, and thoughtful more than just loud and exciting. I like some of the stuff Hans Zimmer does. Virtually everything I listen to now is instrumental; I rarely listen to anything with vocals, not that I'm against vocals, just that I don't want the distraction of lyrics.
I find that often some of the music I like the best is found in video game soundtracks, and movie soundtracks as opposed to pop or songs created to be presented on their own. The background music of some video games is really good, as well as movie or even some tv show soundtracks. I liked the music for the first season of Stranger Things for example, and the soundtrack for the movie Chariots of Fire. The video game Elder Scrolls has some really nice music.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how the KEF system sounds, although I usually don't have the sound system on when I'm driving for the express purpose of driving. I like to hear the sounds of the car.