Wheel Hanger Alignment Tool


Emira Fanatic
Jan 16, 2022
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Louisville KY ("the Ville")
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Emira Owner
Purchased these on Amazon. $12 for two (M12x1.5). The picture at the bottom isn't a lotus but you get the idea :)

Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 13.51.55.png

Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 13.50.07.png
GRP sells the "Powerflex" brand (one only) for US$32.99 plus tax/ship. That's where I bought mine. The GRP description mentions it being "CNC-machined AISI 303 Stainless Steel, 50% stronger than mild plated steel" and I'd like to think this is a case of "you get what you pay for" to justify the 5.5X price I paid (for one), compared to this Amazon 7075 aluminum alloy pair. I can't comment on the strength of the different materials so I'm NOT knocking the Amazon brand; just pointing out another option with GRP. I haven't tested out mine but will soon. I leave this up to the buyer to decide.

Regardless, for those who take tires on/off a fair bit (ie. for track purposes), IMO this is a must-have convenient tool.

Thanks for your post brainf18.
Purchased these on Amazon. $12 for two (M12x1.5). The picture at the bottom isn't a lotus but you get the idea :)

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I've found that using one of those longer guides at the top along with a shorter one at the bottom works easiest, particularly when placing the wheel back. This way, you only have to concentrate on aligning the top (longer) guide with one of the rim's lug bolt holes, and once you have the wheel supported on that one, it becomes easier to align the second guide. Here's a picture of the Amazon short guide pin.


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