Windshield Wipers stuttering


Jul 23, 2022
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Hi everyone 1600km in here in Toronto with the v6 first edition. I have not had any of the issues mentioned in multiple posts however found my first hiccup. Got caught in my first rainfall and noticed the windshield wipers are stuttering very hard. so hard they are barely cleaning water off the windshield. Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm in Florida and drove through my first rain storm at 1100 miles. My wiper blades were stuttering a bit too, but they squeegeed the window well and did the job. I don't think the stuttering was drastic enough on my Emira to cause concern, but seeing your post, I did just notice this this past week.
I've had that with brand new cars before. In all cases so far, I clean the windshield glass very well and use a RainX spray to apply that hydrophobic layer on to the clean glass. That seems to create a much more studder-free wiper travel.
I used detailing clay on the windshield. When I first got the car I could feel some sort of residue. I assume it was from sitting around in the elements waiting for delivery after the Baltimore fiasco
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