Hi Arsalan,
Just wanted to connect because I have a deposit for a base Emira with the Austin dealer. I got in a month ago and I’m about 80th in line, so I’m looking at build probably sometime in 2023. I look forward to hearing about your experience through this process and I hope you get your FE without too much delay.
TXEMIRA, I am brand new to this forum. I am located in Waco. My wife has recently given me the thumbs up on putting a deposit down. Did you place a deposit with a dealer here in Texas or elsewhere?
Hey supersix, before i post - I know this is an Emira forum but Is there an appropriate place to see if there are any members that own an Evora GT with the carbon pack looking to sell as they wait for their Emira?
Hi there, I read your post in another thread about a pending test drive you were going to have with a manual GT4. I was hoping I would have found your feedback further down the thread but I don’t believe you ever replied about your experience. Could you tell me what it was like and your feeling vs the pdk, tall gearing etc?
I am a new member put my deposit down mid august I have yesterday had a email my nearest dealer is silverstone that seems its not getting car until November to see I haven’t been contacted by them has anyone else ?