Update: The last time I posted I had the cold start issue and a check engine light issue.
Lotus sent out a tech with an OBD reader to diagnose the check engine light issue where the tech stated that the warning was triggered due to some sensors not correctly gauging the fuel mix on start-up or something along those lines, so it was a non issue, they cleared the codes but a day or two later the light came back on start-up, this however was temporary and it went away after 50 kms of driving.
The cold-start issue however seems to have gone away entirely, I'm not sure how this has happened, the only change I have made is changing the brand of petrol I fill my 98 up at. I don't know if it is linked or just coincidence but I usually fill up at Shell and and have had cold start issues on those occasions, but I recently filled up a fully empty tank at 7-11 and ever since then I have not had an issue starting up. Could just be a coincidence but ill go back to Shell next time I need to fill up to see if the cold-start issues come back.